How Do I Find My Purpose In Life?

How Do I Find My Purpose In Life?

CHARIS MINUTES Watch the video to hear Andrew’s full answer on how do I find my purpose in life Having a life purpose gives life meaning. So many of us at one time or another come to the question, ‘Is there a purpose for my life and if so, how do I find...
5 Signs You Are Seeing with the Wrong Eyes!

5 Signs You Are Seeing with the Wrong Eyes!

As believers, we have a choice. We can see everything in life through our natural eyes, seeing and living from our present needs, or we can choose to see everything through our spiritual eyes—through the truth of God’s Word and the vision it creates in us. How can you...
Same Bread—Different Vision

Same Bread—Different Vision

Did you know that you have all the resources you need to change your destiny on the inside of you? In Matthew 14:15-20, we see the account of Jesus feeding the 5,000 (plus women and children). The disciples told Jesus to send them away to get food, but Jesus said,...
5 Steps to Change

5 Steps to Change

The actions you take must be harmonious with the outcome you desire. I found this sentence underlined in someone else’s copy of my book Correct Change Required the other day and was struck again by the importance of that concept. Seeking change for the better is a...

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