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What is the best way to pray when suffering?

What is the best way to pray when suffering?

CHARIS MINUTES Watch the video to hear Andrew’s full answer on what is the best way to pray when suffering the consequences of wrong choices made in one’s past. If you’ve been asking yourself recently what is the best way to pray when suffering, then...
Are Our Words As Powerful As God’s Words?

Are Our Words As Powerful As God’s Words?

CHARIS MINUTES Watch the video to hear Barry’s full answer on, ‘Are our words as powerful as God’s words?’ Have you ever asked the question, ‘are our words as powerful as God’s words?’. You may have felt this was inappropriate...
You Haven’t Missed the Boat!

You Haven’t Missed the Boat!

A new term is almost underway at Charis Australia, and students will be beginning their very own ‘Charis Experience’. I think it’s amazing! We’ve only been here a few weeks, and already I have these amazing revelations from God. It’s...