Faith that Works

Faith that Works

There were debates among scholars and historians and great church reformers like Martin Luther, the 16th century reformer who called the book James ‘the epistle of straw.’ He said that it lacked the evangelical character and heft of Paul’s epistles.  Why? Because...
Put Your But in the Right Place!

Put Your But in the Right Place!

Have you heard the phrase ‘garbage in, garbage out?’ It really is true! What is in you is going to determine what comes out of you. Proverbs 23:7 is not just true for believers. For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7 (NKJV) As a man thinks in his...
3 Powerful Keys to Turn Your Lack into More than Enough

3 Powerful Keys to Turn Your Lack into More than Enough

There is no better example of turning little into more than enough than when Jesus fed thousands with a small amount of food. Jesus was and still is God as part of the Trinity, but He came to the earth as a man. Every miracle He performed was done as a man with the...
How To Break Bad Habits

How To Break Bad Habits

When Christians find themselves dealing with sin, they often try behaviour modification. Let me save you some time here. It won’t work!  I was speaking with a man, and one of the issues he had was smoking marijuana. He said he didn’t know what to do about it. I said,...

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