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Pursue this Great Love

May 15, 2023

And so faith, hope, love abide; these three; but the greatest of these is love.

1 Corinthians 13:13

The fact that you are alive is a sign that God cares! Your very breath depends on God’s love. Everything you need for life and godliness has been given to you by the work of Christ on the cross. My favourite definition of agape (unconditional) love is that in my weakest, worst moment (and we all know our moments), God sees me as valuable, precious and something to be held in high esteem. That can feel like a tall order to believe! 

I know what I’m like at times. I know what I do, what I believe and what I say that make me a miserable and sometimes horrible person. Yet agape love doesn’t look at that at all. It makes no difference to agape love (God’s love). He has placed all His love and acceptance on you through the finished work of the cross.

Don’t pursue vain and unimportant things to try and find life. The people around you and the things that we “think” we need in this world cannot give us true life. Only the awesome, perfect love of God can give life. Pursue or become persuaded of its perfection, and you will be whole.

When you find out God believes in you, you realise your true value and potential. My friend, God believes in you with all of His heart. In 1 Corinthians 13:7, we read that Love (God is love) is ever ready to believe the best of every person.

At a conference we held in South Africa several years ago, we had a man and his wife come for prayer saying:

We accepted the Lord many years ago, but we realise now that the God we accepted is not the one you have been sharing with us. We want to accept the gift of love and acceptance that the gospel of peace offers.

This was truly a life-changing time for this couple. We are so privileged to see changed lives everywhere we minister the true, unconditional acceptance of God. You can experience this change too if you will just let go of your own efforts and accept the complete gift that God is offering you today. You will not be disappointed!

Arthur Meintjes

Arthur Meintjes

Charis Instructor


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